Graduate to a Higher Level of Employee Development

Skills and credentials for your workforce. A return on investment for your organization. It’s a win-win scenario that only Bisk Amplified™ can deliver.

Introducing Bisk Amplified™

When you bring together the world’s leading universities, the pioneer in online program delivery and professionals that understand your most pressing business needs, you get us — Bisk Amplified™! For more than 25 years, we’ve helped organizations thrive by aligning their strategic goals with their employees’ potential.

Bisk Amplified™ Brings it all Together

Leading Universities
Engaged Employers
Motivated Employees
Top Faculty
Dynamic Online Programs

What We Do For You

We work closely with employers like you to discover, design and deliver education solutions that:
  • Develop a workforce that can navigate challenges and seize opportunities in a challenging business environment
  • Help your employees achieve their professional goals
  • Provide a meaningful benefit that can help attract and retain employees
  • Generate measurable value for your organization

Amplified Puts Your Needs Front and Center

Needs Identification

What are your challenges?

Where are the skills gaps?

Program Identification

What degrees or certificates will help your employees meet those challenges?

Customize programs for your unique needs if necessary

Program Delivery

100% online courses

Dynamic learning environment

Easy access to faculty

Employers We Work With

No matter your size or objectives, Amplified can help. Our clients range from ambitious small- and medium-sized businesses to some of the largest, most established Fortune 500 companies.


Unparalleled Student Support

Engaged students are essential for your investment in development. Amplified’s student support team provides one-on-one guidance at every step. If they need help registering for classes, obtaining transcripts, filling out forms — or even just some encouragement — we’re here.

[My representative] was always able to answer any questions I had in a timely manner. She also would assist me by mentioning any other programs that I might benefit from. Payments, timeframes, and questions about specific courses were all answered clearly, and I felt confident that I was getting the most out of the program thanks to her.”
- Professional Certificate Student

What to Expect

Personalized Service
One size does not fit all! Our dedicated team will tailor a solution specifically for your needs.
You’ll benefit from our knowledge, honed over more than 25 years of helping corporations.
Robust Offerings
You’ll always find the right courses for your employees. We work with some of the top universities in the country, and our partner portfolio is growing.
Customization Opportunities
Unique challenges? No problem! Our learning experience professionals can design a unique solution.

Let’s Connect

We’ll be in touch shortly.